First Lego League

FLL introduces kids of grade 4 to 8, to competitive robotics using Lego Robotics kits (EV3 and Mindstorms). Kids not only learn how to build and program a robot that can complete some predefined challenges; They also learn teamwork and presentation skills. As part of FLL kids also have to work on a project in which they have to identify a real-world problem (based on that years theme), propose a solution and present the solution to the community.

How we can help

Our team of volunteers have gone through the process of starting, building and running an FLL team. With the information we’ve gained through our journey, we hope to be able to give teams the boost they need to get started and the support they need to get to the finish line.

  • Connected Network – We offer teams a chance to meet up with other teams throughout the community
  • Technical Expertise – We have many years of experience between us, through which have encountered many challenges that we can help you solve
  • Finance Management – Our non-profit status can greatly help teams get donations from companies
  • Getting Started – We can help you register and answer any initial questions you may have during the process
Team Name AvengerBots
Team Number 44704
Coach Manoshi Desai
Youth Mentor Dhruv Gupta
Team Name EV3-PO
Team Number 44880
Coach Venkateswara Siramdas
Youth Mentor Dhruv Gupta
Team Number 46451
Coach Parikshit Chandna
Youth Mentor Dhruv Gupta
Team Name Winnerbots
Team Number 45242
Coach Ravi Gidivani
Youth Mentor Dhruv Gupta
Team Name The Missioneers
Team Number 45105
Coach Viswanath Ramachandran
Youth Mentor Dhruv Gupta