First Lego League Junior

FLL Junior introduces kids of grade K to 4, to interesting science concept and teamwork. The team builds and programs a working model using Lego Wedo. They create a poster explaining their research and present it in an expo. They learn teamwork and build confidence in the process.

How we can help

Our team of volunteers have mentored FLL Jr teams. With our experience in other First Robotics Competions (FLL and FTC), we hope that we will not just  give teams the boost they need to get started but we can also motivate them to continue their journey in the world of robotics.

  • Connected Network – We offer teams a chance to meet up with other teams throughout the community
  • Technical Expertise – We have many years of experience between us, through which have encountered many challenges that we can help you solve
  • Finance Management – Our non-profit status can greatly help teams get donations from companies
  • Getting Started – We can help you register and answer any initial questions you may have during the process